Six out of the eight Worcestershire county councillors just elected to represent the Malvern Hills district were amongst those responding to the invite to ‘Act on Active Travel’ from Worcestershire Active Travel Partnership. We are confident that at least one of the other two is supportive. Cycle Malvern hopes that we can build on those commitments to get things moving to enable and encourage more cycling and walking locally for everyday journeys.
The May 2021 elections might seem to have made little difference to who is in charge of the county council, particularly from a political party viewpoint. However there has been quite a turnover in the faces, and in the the wider Malvern Hills area (defined by district boundaries) we have almost a complete change. Only one councillor continues in place from the previous council, Tom Wells, although he was elected wearing a different hat in the previous round of elections (2017).
Will a fresh intake of politicians lead to some much needed fresh thinking? We are eager to find out.
Some details and stats
County councillors across the district are now: Martin Allen (Croome) and Natalie McVey (Malvern Trinity) from Green Party, Independents Beverley Nielsen (Malvern Langland) and Tom Wells (Powick), Liberal Democrat Jack Satterthwaite (Malvern Chase), plus Conservatives Scott Richardson Brown (Hallow), Karen Hanks (Malvern Link) and David Chambers (Tenbury).
Here are the overall statistics for county candidate responses, elected or not, to the Active Travel Partneship invite.