Alongside a few bits of ‘proper’ cycle path, Malvern has various minor features which some might find useful for getting around by bike, if they only knew of them. Here’s some we’ve come across, but do you know of others? Maybe a short section of footpath where bicycles could be wheeled along to avoid a busy junction, or perhaps bike parking overlooked in our round-up?
Please note: these are rough descriptions only, based on our experience, it is up to you to check that they are suitable and safe for your own use.
Tips for cycling in Malvern
A. Alternative to Worcester Road – Graham Road to Pickersleigh Road (Link Common)
There is an alternative way over the railway between Graham Road and the other side of Link Common (Pickersleigh Road). This goes via Moorlands Road which crosses Cockshot Road – take particular care here on the awkward downhill turn (view can be a little obstructed by vegetation in summer). The route then goes down a “dead-end” – the road goes over the railway and stops. Take the short footpath running between the garden fences to some shallow steps – see photos. Please “share with care”, as there is just enough space for pedestrian and cyclist (although probably not on a cargo bike/with trailer!) to pass each other.
After coming down from the steps, to Meadow Road, it is either left to the Link (via Pickersleigh Road alongside the Common), or right to go the other direction along Pickersleigh towards Barnards Green. For the return trip Link to Graham Road, take care on the right turn into Meadow Road off a left-hand bend.
Good points:
- Avoids the busy Worcester Road (and its poor road surface), especially uphill.
- A chance to stop on the railway bridge and look out for trains, if you are lucky, plus good scenery.
Not so good:
- A few low steps to get over and a short footpath.
- A dip down and back up in Meadow Road.
B. Upper Howsell/Malvern Link to retail park avoiding main road
See the main Cycle Routes page for details, plus the photos below (section C) show the wiggly bit over Worcester Road. This route uses a shared pedestrian/cycle path for a short distance beside the cricket ground.
C. Connection over Worcester Road to Townsend Way/retail park
This photo gallery is a continuation from the information on the main Routes page (retail park/Townsend Way), to help guide you across.
D. Albert Road North/Sling Lane to Hayslan Road/Pickersleigh Road
Firstly, please note that this is a footpath, not a cycle track, mostly quite narrow, plus probably only suitable for use in the summer! But occasionally it could still be worth walking the bike this way to avoid busy roads.
Sling Lane goes downhill from Albert Road North, ending at the railway. There is an access road to Newtown Sports FC grounds going under, with foot access to the fields beyond. (Currently missing a suitable photo showing which way to go, but must be the path immediately left of the tarmac!)
Good points: quiet route.
Not so good: can be a bit muddy. Narrow footpath and popular with dog walkers, so you can’t rush.