Planning new cycle routes

See separate page for Malvern to Worcester route. Guidance on infrastructure design is on the Group Resources page. Note: this page transferred from main Routes page, now focussing on existing paths, bridges etc.

Malvern Hills District Council (MHDC)’s Destination Zero plan (January 2020) has ‘Encourage low carbon travel’ as one of its 8 priorities. An associated action is “Invest in increasing the number of walking and cycling networks across the district”. See MHDC’s Tackling Climate Change pages.

Malvern to Upton route

The line of the old railway is an attractive option – it was in MHDC’s five year plan (adopted 2019?) and Worcestershire County Council has identified this as an ‘Active Travel Corridor’ (ATC). However, there are difficulties in implementing the route on the ground. The Active Travel report, along with map below (Nov. 2020), states:

  • Malvern to Three Counties – Creation of link between Peachfield Rd Malvern and Three Counties Showground, Phase 1 of Malvern to Upton ATC. A number of options have been explored, land negotiations with Three Counties and other land owners have reached an impasse. Further on-road options have been looked at but are likely to be discounted due to restricted width – they wouldn’t conform with LTN 1/20 guidance.
  • Three Counties to Upton – Phase 2 of Malvern to Upton cycle link, proposed alignment along the dismantled railway. Per county council, this can only go ahead once phase 1 has been delivered.
Extract from WCC Active Travel report – Crown copyright re base mapping

This issue has been discussed on our Facebook group, where members are keen to see progress being made. (Councils were looking into this route in 2007, so not a new idea!)

Old planning notes: Science Park/North End Lane

In 2007, Cycle Malvern was told that “the route will be marked using cycle symbols in the road, about 1.5 metres out from the kerb, so that they can be seen if vehicles are parked. Separate to the scheme, is a pelican crossing going in on Barnards Green Road between Geraldine Road and Pound Bank Road. This will assist cyclists in getting out at the junctions.